Sunday, July 12, 2009

Relaxing Week 14

Another relaxing week down! We have been having a great time with Carly, she interacts so much with us now, it is amazing! We spent all week absolutely in heaven with our amazing little girl. I got on a scale with her and we estimated that she is about 13.6 lbs. We really had the most laid back week we have had since Carly blessed our little family. Of course we played games Friday and Saturday nights with the whole group, and spent a couple hours in Grandma Jody’s pool. Sunday we went to church with Tiffany and Corey to Heritage, and sat with Richard and Cindy Bright! Sunday afternoon, Darci played on our softball team While Carly and I watched. We had a slower week than we are used to, but it was still not even close to being boring, We are so blessed and can’t thank God, and our wonderful families enough for everything in our lives!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July!!

Well our week didn't start out so hot, Darci and I both woke up in the middle of the night, Sunday night with flu like symptoms that lasted through Tuesday morning. Talking with everyone, we figured out that everyone that was up camping with us at Howard Prairie got sick too. After some rest and recovery we were back to normal ready to have a great 4th of July weekend. Friday, we went to a movie and dinner with Greg and Shawna. Saturday we woke up to the parade out front of our apartment, so we went down and watched a little of it with Kyle, Jody, Kade, Lainey, and Brenda (kade and Lainey's Mom). After the parade, we all took a nice nap and then went swimming and had a bbq at Kyle and Jody's for Kyle's Birthday, and then celebrated the 4th with some fireworks. Carly was pretty fascinated with the fireworks and loved the sparklers that her and Darci held on to. Sunday we tried out a new church with Greg and Shawna, took another nice nap and then went to dinner at Greg and Shawna's with Darci's Grandma Charlotte and Gus. We had a great week, despite being sick. My parents went and bought 60 some odd goats this week and we are excited to go see them and let Carly play with their new "kids". We truely have a blessed family, and we love all of the rest of our family that makes our lives so amazing!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Our First Camping Trip!!

We had a pretty laid back week to start off with, it was nice to get the rest and relaxation in early now that we know how the week ended up. On Thursday after work we piled into the pickup and headed up to Howard Prairie for our first camping weekend! We met Tiffany and the Klamath Poe kids, along with Brooke, Chris, Ashlynn, Casey, Sam, Heather, Annikah, Collin, and the Nichols Family, which if you add it up, was 11 kids under the age of 5! We got nice and cozy with Gracie, Emma, Waylon and Tiffany in their trailer, and then Friday morning I got up early and went back into town for work. Darci and Carly stayed up with the rest of the campers until I came back up from work. Ed and Rene and Justin made it up Friday afternoon and we had a nice campfire with smores and the works. Saturday we woke up to beautiful weather and had a great day of fishing, a little hike and some swimming. Saturday night we headed back into Medford to see Darci's Grandpa Spencer and play some games with him. Sunday was church and then a nice picnic with Spencer and the rest of Darci's family. We had a great weekend and have tons of new memories and pictures to share with Carly and the rest of our family!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our First Father's Day!!

We had an awesome first Father’s Day, thanks to Carly! But first off, Carly went swimming a few different times, on Thursday she went with Elaina at Shawna and Greg’s house before we all had a game night. She went swimming again with Ty on Friday, before Tiffany, Corey, Natalie, Kevin, Darci and I had another game night. We were planning on hopping on a plane Saturday morning and going to Idaho for Father’s Day, but I got a call on Friday that someone was going to buy my Buell and wanted to pick it up on Saturday, so we decided to stay and get rid of it. Saturday and Sunday were both very relaxing. Saturday night we went out to dinner with Kyle, Kade and Lainey, and Sunday after we tried to go to church in the park, but got scared off by the rain, we went to lunch with Shane and the rest of Darci’s Family. After lunch, Carly and I snuggled up on the couch and took a two hour nap, before Darci woke us up to go watch her kick some butt at softball! We had a great week, and can’t wait for each one to come as our little girl grows so fast!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Week With Family and Adventures at the Coast!

Another week full of firsts and a lot of fun! We spent the first part of the week pretty quiet, recovering and resting up from the bug that came through our house. But on Wednesday, Darci yelled for me to hurry up stairs to see Carly, I had no idea what could have been going on, so I ran up to see Carly laying on her back just staring at Darci. I was confused, but soon figured it out when Darci put Carly on her stomach and she rolled back on to her back! Of course as soon as I got the video camera out she was done playing. On Friday, “Uncle” Dave Kamo and his Girlfriend Chelsea came into town and we had a little BBQ with the crew, it turned into a card night though because of the torrential down pour and flash flood warnings while the power was flashing on and off. Saturday, we got up and had a big breakfast, and then all piled in Dave’s truck and headed up to Willow Lake where Justin, Tiffany and the whole Klamath Crew was camping, we spent an hour or so up there and then climbed back in the truck and headed over to Brookings, on the Oregon Coast. We spent Saturday afternoon at the beach, and Saturday evening in the hot tub at our hotel. Carly got in her first swimming pool while we were there, and didn’t seem to mind it much, I don’t think that she thought that it was any different from her bath except for she had to wear her swim suit. Sunday we got up and went back down to the beach for a little while before heading back towards Medford. We found a little beach on the Smith River to stop and cook up some hot dogs for lunch and Dave and I played on a rope swing that we found. As we were headed back to town, about an hour out, Josh called and asked if Darci could play softball in an hour and a half. So we but a move on it, and got Darci to the game, she had a great time, but was a little sore after really running for the first time in a while. We had a great weekend with our friends and family, just another reason to give thanks to God for being so blessed!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Carly is growing so dang fast!!

Another great week at the Little Poe house. We took Carly in for her two month check-up and immunizations, she doesn’t like them very much. She is doing great, staying right in line for her growth charts at 11lb. 11oz. and 23 inches long. Everyday, Carly is smiling, laughing and mimicking little noises that we make, well mimicking Darci.. I am pretty sure she is just mocking me. She loves to sit in the glider and look around the room. Saturday, we went over and played Hand and Foot with Tiffany and Corey. While we were playing, Carly was playing in her bouncer, she likes to look at the toys, and loves it when we pull the toys to make noises, and for the first time, and multiple times after, she reached up and pulled the toys herself! I played in a softball tournament with a bunch of our friends, none of us are much of ball players, but we had fun. Darci and I have been fighting off a bug, Darci seems to be over it, but playing softball all weekend didn’t seem to help me get rid of it, luckily Carly has been as healthy as ever.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fast Cars and a Fast Growing Little Girl!!

We finally had a week with some beautiful weather. Not a whole lot new during the week, just work for me, and Darci is trying to get her classes finished up for the term. Thursday afternoon Darci's Grandma and Grandpa Nicholson came into Medford for a weekend of drag racing. We had a little BBQ with them, Kyle, Jody, Clark, Kaycee and Ty when they got in. By the time we were ready to head home from the track where we had the BBQ, Darci's Uncle Mike and Kathy had made it in from Vancouver, along with Grandma Pat's Sister Jacky and brother-in-law John from Sacramento. Friday, Darci and Carly went out to the track with Jody to watch time trials around lunchtime. I made it out after work, just in time to watch the second heat race for the Super Pro class, which Nick, Mike and John are all in. The whole "group" made it out to the track Saturday to cheer everyone on, and then we met over at Greg and Shawna's to play some cards. Sunday we made it to church, and then out to the track to watch everybody run one last time for the weekend. Carly and Ty played together for hours all for days that we spent in the pits, it was alot of fun even though none of our drivers made it to the finals. Darci has her finals coming up, so she will be studying hard for those all this next week, but not much else planned so far. Oh yeah, status update on Carly, at 8 weeks she is 11lbs. 2 oz. and almost 22 inches long, she is very alert all of the time, and loves to play with her mirror and other toys on her play mat. She has been sleeping 6-8 hours a night most of the time, which is amazing for Darci, unfortunatly for Darc, I don't know when Carly has had a full nights sleep or if she woke up 2 or 3 times durring the night. We thank God for having such a great family on all sides that love us all!